TechStation Invest
About TechStation Invest
Our Background
TechStation Invest is a sister company to TechStation. Behind TechStation Invest stands a long tradition and experience within product development which is rooted in the creation of novel innovation combined with a practical and down to earth philosophy.
​We convert this experience and philosophy into developing investment opportunities of high quality and a high hit ratio in bringing high tech to the market.
How we invest
TechStation Invest invests in innovative companies within Hard Tech with products still in the developing process. We expect that market launch must be within max. 24 month from the time of our investment. We encourage that the companies are in dialogue with potential customers from early on in their lifecycle.
Typically, we invest between DKK 0,5 and 5 million in our investments but through partners and co-investors we have the capacity for more.
How We Work
To pass on valuable know-how and experience within development and commercialisation of Hard Tech we have a range of Business Partners who we actively engage in our investments.
To get in contact with TechStation Invest please contact TSI Management, Thomas Svenningsen, email: tsv@techstation.nu or Bleron Zhjeqi, email: blz@techstation.nu. You can also follow our LinkedIn profile.